Wednesday, November 2, 2011

2 Rejections down, 50k to go

It's November, which means for all of my fellow writers out there, it's NaNoWriMo (or National Novel Writing Month) and thousands of your closest friends, colleagues and family will beat themselves and their keyboards senseless trying to grind out the next Great American Novel.

Or not.

A girl can dream, though, right? After receiving my second rejection on an older manuscript of mine, I've decided to kick my own butt into gear and finish the WIP I have by December 15, 2011 with the hopes of submitting a query for it to a literary giant of an agent in NYC. I'd put a name to the "giant" but I'm keeping it mum for now in the hopes I'm not laughed off the blogosphere. Needless to say, I need to get going and NaNo is the perfect opportunity for me to do just that. Starting with 33,645 words (or around that), I'm hoping to add another 50k by month's end, and that should put me close to the end. (I'm assuming it will be around 110-120k at most). So I'm wishing all my fellow writers the best of luck and if you want to follow my progress, you can find me here.

So have an awesome day and remember: Whenever possible, Write Dirty :)


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